Friday, February 14, 2020
Discuss the ways in which contemporary organisational theory can be Essay
Discuss the ways in which contemporary organisational theory can be read as criticism of organisational theories developed in the course of the 20th century - Essay Example During the early 20th century the imperialist era started while the situation then demanded the workers of revolutionary and the new type parties are said to be capable to lead then bring the completions which was then victorious as the struggle that is against bourgeoisie preserving the rule and then set up the repressive ramification with state apparatus, the military machine which is said to be powerful and the means in economic, political and ideological for the purpose of disuniting as well s disarming with those people who are working. The workers of new type are said to be capable in order to lead the class who are working and not to be advanced as well as organized and conscious part in politics with the class considerably working but also in the organization as the highest form that directs all the proletarian organizations with all forms of struggles by the proletariat. There is also evolution of capitalism during the 20th century with pre-monopoly capitalism that becomes v ery imperative with the said working class raising the This is also the period that marked the struggle which is against the right line of opportunist in terms of International leadership in order to build the revolutionary parties that is proletarian capable to lead the socialist revolutions in terms of the countries classified as the capitalist imperialist and the revolutions that are said to be democratic in Asia, African and those countries who are said to Latin-American under the oppression and plunder while both the revolutionary trends may form the integral parts of the world as the revolution in socialist area as well as the organization and at the same time leading the proletariat with the toiling masses in terms of democracy and of course socialism. The struggle was then experienced on all the fronts under the CPSU leadership leading to the great victory regarding the Revolution of October while forming the Third International as well as the communist parties' formation that happened and experience all over the world which was then surrounded with the class as revolutionary and organizational mass. The adverse were said to be the real break through from the stagnant period facing the movement of revolution by the first decade of the 20th century. The trade unions was then organized as part of the said activities which was then during the period while Lenin was able to write the Trade Union Organizations considerably of tremendous value that served the development as well as the economic struggle consolidation but became very important in terms of auxiliary in agitation for politics and the organizational revolution and those right who are Contemporary Organizational Theory P
Saturday, February 1, 2020
South Korea Country Risk Analysis Research Paper
South Korea Country Risk Analysis - Research Paper Example South Korea is politically stable and has excellent infrastructure. With consistent reformation policies, the Government has been able to transform the country into a knowledge-based service-oriented economy. The labor market is flexible but the wages are higher than the neighboring countries. The workforce is highly qualified but the country has an aging population as the population growth rate is extremely low. Unemployment rate in the country is very low. Having a culture of uncertainty avoidance, risk assessments would be done and precautions and risk measures adopted. Being a collectivist society, loyalty is given importance. Economically too, the country is sound with low inflation rate, and the currency resilient to shocks. South Korea is an open economy ranking among the top 20 economies in the world. The private sector can operate freely without Government interference. The two major concerns are the aging population and corruption prevalent in the country. However, with the right business partner and sound knowledge of the economy, would help foreign businesses achieve the desired objective. Introduction South Korea, the Republic of Korea, is a presidential republic, a developed country with high standard of living. Having its origin in the World War II, South Korea is a fully functional modern democracy. However, political and economic analysis would help a multinational evaluate investment decisions. Location/Climate South Korea is strategically located on the Korean Strait covering a total area of 99,720 sq. km with a coastline of 2,413 km (CIA, 2012). This mountainous peninsula has the Yellow Sea on the west, and the Sea of Japan on the east. The southern tip of the peninsula lies on the Korea Strait and the East China Sea (Southkoreangovernment, 2012). Most of the land in South Korea is not arable. The peninsula comprises of about three thousand islands that are mostly small and uninhabited. South Korea has a temperate climate with very cold wint ers and a short rainy season. The average January temperature range is -7Â °C to 1Â °C (19Â °F to 33Â °F) in Seoul. Along the southern coast the winter temperatures are higher but they are lower in the inner mountainous areas. June through September is the rainy season. Population The population of South Korea as of July 2012 was 48, 860,500 with 73% of the population being in the 15 to 64 years age group. Population in South Korea has been growing at the rate of 0.204 percent which is considered a very low rate, leading to an aging population (Datamonitor, 2009). The population is mostly homogenous with just about 20,000 Chinese residing in South Korea. However, people of South Korea are either Buddhists or Christians and almost half the population (49.3 percent) does not follow any religion (CIA, 2012). The literacy rate is 97.9 percent while the unemployment rate is 9.8 percent. Most South Koreans live in urban areas because of the excessive migration that took place during t he country’s expansion between 1970 and 1990. As of April 2005, the number of foreign laborers in South Korea was 378,000 and 50% of these were without official authorization. Most foreign workers are from South Asian and Southeast Asian nations in addition to workers from the former Soviet Union countries and Nigeria. About 11,000 expat English teachers also live in South Korea apart from 31,000 US military personnel (Southkoreangovernment, 2012). Cultural Values The cultural dimensions of any nation are essential
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