Friday, November 29, 2019
Climate change Human impact on the environment
Table of Contents Introduction Effects of human activities on biodiversity Effects of human activities on air, water and land How human activities are affecting the climate Conclusion Reference List Introduction The activities of human beings have had serious effects on the environment. Environmental pollution, which is a direct result of human activities, is a problem that has affected a myriad of environmental aspects.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Climate change: Human impact on the environment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Although some people may fail to understand the long-term effects of pollution like global warming, its short-term effects are easy to discern. Such effects include diseases or death of both human beings and animals. Human activities that lead to pollution of the environment have effects on biodiversity, water, soil and even land. This is even shown in the movie, The Eleventh Hour, with bodies of water that are badly polluted and overflowing landfills. This paper is an in-depth exploration of the effects that human activities have had on the environment, and the way the same is captured in the movie, The Eleventh Hour. Effects of human activities on biodiversity As stated above, environmental pollution, mainly caused by human activities has adverse effects on biodiversity. For instance, water pollution normally has adverse effects on aquatic life. Water pollution has even been blamed for the extinction of some species that cannot thrive in acidic conditions. In the movie, The Eleventh Hour, there are images of lakes which are drying. Chemical pollution is the most common for water. It normally makes water acidic, and makes it toxic. This leads to the death of some animals living in water, and also creates harsh living conditions for other animals living in this ecosystem. In The Eleventh Hour, Sylvia Earle, an oceanographer, reports of the sea having lost 90% of its total population of big fish. Another form of pollution that affects water is heat pollution that makes the water unsuitable for the animals living there. Animals that cannot withstand high temperatures may die while others are forced to move or live under very harsh conditions. Water polluted by heat normally has less oxygen, and thus the animals living in this ecosystem find it difficult to breathe. This is because cold water is normally associated with more oxygen, and also the fact that the hot water may damage organic matter in water leading to low levels of dissolved oxygen. The water will also evaporate and make humans and animals inhale the chemical substances dissolved in it. This evaporation will also result in acidic rain which has the same effects as water pollution.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Apart from thermal pollution in water, thermal pollutio n also occurs in air. This is normally caused by human actions like wars which may lead to bombings, irresponsibly caused fires like forest fires, and even climate change. One of its effects is the redistribution of animals and other organisms after the pollution, thermal pollution can also lead to the death of the organisms that cannot withstand the temperatures. These are animals whose metabolic systems are unable to tolerate the temperatures (Guy, 2004). Research has shown that the slow changes in temperature caused by global warming and/or thermal pollution have an adverse effect on the reproductive potential of animals. They also make the animals more susceptible to diseases. The Eleventh Hour evidences this by documenting warming weather, billowing smoke, and the disappearance of animals due to the unfavorable weather conditions. Just like the thermal and water counterparts, air pollution has adverse effects on biodiversity. Air pollution is inseparable from global warming. Th is is because the gases that are released to the atmosphere during air pollution, especially carbon dioxide, are the main cause of global warming (McElroy, 2002). By extension therefore, the effects of global warming on biodiversity are the same as the effects of air pollution. Some of these effects include extinction of some species, mass migration of organisms that affects biodiversity in the areas the organisms are migrating from, high mortality of animals that reduces the number of animals and unavailability of food that will make animals unable to reproduce well. Humans are also affected by global warming. The effects on global warming include deaths due to starvation, increase in disease incidences due to climate change, and other effects of drought and/or hunger. In The Eleventh Hour, the effect of hunger and insufficient food is properly captured with children gasping, apparently out of hunger. Human activities like burning of fossil fuels and use of automobiles lead to air pollution that has adverse effects on the health of human beings. When large volumes of gases are released to the atmosphere, they form a blanket that holds both heat and pollutant gases in the lower atmosphere (Vayda, 2009).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Climate change: Human impact on the environment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More When human beings breathe these gases, they can experience lung problems. These include asthma, coughing, chocking, or even reduce the protection of the lungs against infections. Additional examples of these gases include nitrogen oxides that are as a result of burning fuel at high temperatures, carbon monoxide, produced from incomplete combustion, and which reduces the capacity of blood to distribute oxygen in the body, and carbon dioxide which is among the main causes of global warming, since it is produced in large volumes (McElroy, 2002). At some point in The Eleventh Hour, t here is news of how global warming has led to an increase in asthma cases, and even caused catastrophes like the Hurricane Katrina. Effects of human activities on air, water and land As stated in the discussion above, human actions have a myriad of negative effects on water. Consider thermal pollution for example. It has been stated that thermal pollution leads to high temperatures in water that, in turn, reduce the levels of oxygen in the water making aquatic life to either die or migrate to areas with lower temperatures (Guy, 2004). These temperatures may be due to disposal of heated industrial effluents in water, or even the occurrence of maritime accidents in water that may result in un-anticipated fires. Chemical pollution from industries and other human activities causes water to be acidic leading to acidic rain which affects both aquatic and terrestrial life. Human activities also have undesirable effects on soil. When chemical pollution occurs as a result of industrial efflu ents, the soil is polluted. This makes it unsuitable for agriculture, and thus humans are adversely affected. There is also the proverbial issue of disposal of plastic bags and other non-biodegradable materials. When these are disposed in the soil, they stay in the soil until they are taken away from it. Therefore, they significantly affect economic activities that are carried out on the soil like agriculture. This is captured in The Eleventh Hour, by the gushing oil that pollutes the soil.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A number of human activities also affect land. Global warming, which is a long-term result of releasing greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, has been associated with melting of ice on mountains. This substantially affects the landscape of such mountains and the areas surrounding them. The global warming is caused by release of pollutant greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane to the atmosphere. How human activities are affecting the climate Environmental pollution, a result of human activities, is one of the leading causes of climate change globally. As stated above, pollution is the main cause of global warming (â€Å"What Human Activities Contribute to Climate Change?†, 2006) Global warming, in turn, leads to noticeable climate change, in terms of temperatures, the severity and length of droughts, etcetera. It is thus of essence that the levels of pollution are minimized as far as possible since global warming, in particular, and climate change, generally, have a lo t of undesirable effects. With climate change, in form of prolonged droughts, occurrence of hurricanes, and earthquakes, the environment is substantially affected, making it hard for humans and other species to survive like they used to before the climatic changes occurred. In The Eleventh Hour, there are images of declining forest cover, which show that continued human interference of forest cover is a contributor to environmental problems associated with global warming. Conclusion From the discussion above, it is evident that humans’ actions lead to environmental pollution, which has many undesirable effects on biodiversity and the environment. It is thus of essence that human beings gain a good understanding of the effects that environmental pollution has on life, so that appropriate policies can be developed to reduce these effects. Each individual person and government should take responsibility in ensuring that the levels of pollution are minimized as much as possible s ince the negative effects of pollution are alarming. In the event that the levels of pollution are significantly reduced, the world would definitely be a better place since there will be less global warming, which implies fewer droughts and less famine. There will also be less chemical pollution in water bodies, which means that less animals living in water will die, and air pollution will also be minimal, which translates to less respiratory complications in human beings. Reference List Guy, J. (2004). Human activity has caused significant damage to ecosystems and biomes worldwide. Web. McElroy, M. (2002). The Atmospheric Environment: Effects of Human Activity. New Jersey, Princeton University Press. United Nations Environment Programme. (2006). What Human Activities Contribute to Climate Change? Retrieved from Vayda, A. (2009). Explaining Human Actions and Environmental Changes. U.K. AltaMira Press. This essay on Climate change: Human impact on the environment was written and submitted by user Milana Walter to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Jack Merridew Essays - Novel Series, Allegory, Lord Of The Flies
Jack Merridew Essays - Novel Series, Allegory, Lord Of The Flies Jack Merridew Jack Merridew He was tall, thin, and bony, and his hair was red beneay the black cap. His face was crumpled and freckled, and ugly without silliness. A cruel and ugly bully, he early develops a taste for violence. He is a leader of the choir at first, and then of the hunters. His leadership resides in his ability to threaten and frighten those under him. He is always ready for a fight. His victory over Piggy represents the triumph of violence over intellect, as he smashes one of the lenses of the fat boy's glasses. The knife that he carries is a symbol of the death and destruction that accompany his every act. He does have some attractive qualities-bravery and resourcefulness. But these are easily hidden by his newly discovered wrath, envy, pride, hatred, and lust for blood. He is constantly attempting to weaken Ralph's hold on the boys. He suggests opposite measures, he shouts abusively, he threatens, he is constantly demanding to be made chief. In all, he is a complete stranger to polite behavio r. In his constant rivalry with Ralph, and in his constant preoccupation with killing, whether it be pigs or fellow human beings. He could always be found leading the boys into a chaos of brute activities. His egotistical outbursts and his temper tantrums suggest that he is immature in his social development. But as hunter and killer he is extremely precocious. The readiness with which he throws himself into the existence of a savage, as he pauses to sniff the air for scent, or falls to his knees to inspect the pig droppings, or runs naked and painted through the forest, suggests the flimsiness of the restraints and patterns of civilization in a personality in which the destructive passions flow strongly. If the novel is read as religious story, Jack emerges as an delegate of the Devil, enticing the other boys to sin. If the novel is read as a representation of Freudian (Im Learning this in Psychology now) principles, Jack represents the primitive urges of the id. In the symbolic representation of the processes of life and death, Jack suggests, both in the black cloaks which he and his followers wear and in his association with darkness, the power of death. In his first appearance, coming out of the darkness of the forest to face Ralph, whom he cannot see because his back is to the sun, Jack represents the Satanic and deathly force coming to confront the divine and life giving man of light. The blood that he wallows in is a further representation of deathliness. When, after his first kill, Jack transferred the knife to his left hand and smudged blood over his forehead as he pushed down the plastered hair, he unconsciously imitates the ritual of the tribal initiation of the hunter, who se face is covered with the blood of his first kill. Finally, if the novel is read as the story of human civilization, Jack represents the influences of unreason and confusion and violence as they operate counter to the progress of human virtues and social institutions.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Sustainable Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Sustainable Development - Essay Example From a historical perspective, the decisions made by our forefathers with regards to rapid industrialization and development without considering the resulting impact on the environment continue to have a severe impact on numerous ecosystems even today (Stefanovic, 2006). Similarly, the economic decisions and policies our governments make today will have an impact on the world’s sustainability and growth in the future. The above points clearly suggest that sustainable development depends on the cooperation between various societal, economical, governmental, environmental and cultural aspects. As such, sustainability should not be perceived as a homogeneous concept. In fact, planning and achieving sustainability in any tangible manner is a complex process that is based on some broad principles. The introduction of the Brundtland report and its extensive coverage of sustainability have had an influential role in shaping future laws on environmental conservation and protection in many countries and international agreements (Wallace, 2005). Sustainable development and policy continues to face numerous challenges from various corners. Amongst these, the existence of poverty within a large part of the world’s population poses a serious challenge. The planet is estimated to reach a total population of 7 billion people in 2011, which implies a greater competition and struggle for growth and control of the earth’s limited resources (Cowie, 2007). People belonging to developing and poor nations are facing prolonged shortages of food, water and access to basic civic amenities. The past few decades have witnessed the emergence of new countries experiencing tremendous economic growth. Rapid development in countries like China and India has increased the demand for oil and other non-renewable fuels and is likely to increase the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Fragile places like Antarctica are likely to bear the most serious consequences if these trends are not controlled through sustainable means (Ekins, 2005). Another issue impeding sustainable development is the lack of economic growth in some countries, especially those in Africa. Many countries like Zimbabwe have faced years of economic depression due to oppressive regimes and lack of proper government. Several multilateral agreements have emerged out of the guidelines recommended by the Brundtland report. One among these is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Known as UNFCCC in short, this is an environmental agreement signed by various countries at the UN Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 (Wallace, 2005). The primary goal of this agreement is to restrict the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and stabilize their concentrations at an acceptable level that can prevent any serious interference with climatic patterns. However, this treaty suffers from several deficiencies, most notably its non-binding attribute which does not provide any mandatory limits that signatories have to maintain. Further, there are no enforcement
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Business Research Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business Research Skills - Essay Example When an employee stays the longer period of the time in the same company it increases its loyalty to the company and the salary also increases. He also added that the staying in the company for longer period of time can make that employee more and more experienced and suitable for the company. According to the author, there may be more different another determining factor in determining the salary levels of the executive. According to Economou (2011), He also said that there are lots of determinates like social, political and the situational determinants are very important for fixing a salary of the executive. If the organization is earning profit and revenue then the organization can easily think for a growth in the salary after regular interval of time. It has been noticed that if a person stays a longer period of time with the same company can earn more salary. Seniority of an employee is the very important factor for fixing any salary. Level of salary would be determined by the quantum of the responsibilities of that employee. It is quite obvious that the senior employees would have more and more responsibilities than the junior employees. It clearly states that the level of the salary of the senior employee would get more hike as its base is very high. It also supports the analysis done in the task one. The author also argued that as the salary of the senior employees is higher than the lower emp loyee it shows that what the senior employees can earn in the lesser period of time, it would take a more time for a person who is working in the same company. Obviously, the time taken for the company senior officers is less. He also argued that when one employee is working for the longer period of time that person can adapt very well to the company. It also stated that in any organization people with the highest amount of salaries are less in numbers and the number of people with the lowest base of salary.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Personal statment to get accepted into LIU. topic can be on anything Statement
Statment to get accepted into LIU. topic can be on anything perferabbly about their nursing program - Personal Statement Example As a nurse I believe I will be able to work with and help people from different walks of life. Having done a thorough research, now I am convinced that LIU is the place to fulfil my academic aspirations from. LIU’s mission of opening world gates for men and women from all the different ethnic, social and economic backgrounds wishing to render themselves to the service of humanity particularly captures my interest. The goal of awakening, enlightening and expanding the mental faculties of its graduates says just everything. The institutionalization and appreciation of diversity as a strength just matches my personal value of interacting with different world cultures. I personally have always wished to be part of an educational system that permits intellectual freedom, independent scholarship and application of knowledge to the service of community. I will be honoured greatly to be selected as a student in the LIU nursing program. My interest in nursing is largely the result of a passion for serving in the medical field and be in a career that allows me to positively change lives. I am very passionate about helping others, it is most fulfilling & valuable thing for me and I believe as a nurse I will be better placed to do what I like every day. LIU’s nursing program aims at preparing graduates who will combine science, compassion and care to serve. The college’s goal of churning out graduate nurses who are competent, effective in leading change through compassionate care, management and nurse education responds to the requirements of the changing role played by nurses in the entire medical continuum. By studying for my nursing program at the university therefore, I will come our as an effective leader, well prepared and ready for the challenges of today’s society. Apart from academics, I am one very outgoing individual who actively takes part in games & sports, club activities and academic forums. I
Saturday, November 16, 2019
How Procter And Gamble Manages Business Essay
How Procter And Gamble Manages Business Essay Nowadays every business is trying to expand its market to the world. There are many factors that help the company to achieve in the business world such as generating new products, a good marketing plan and knowing the important factor of cultural diversity in each country. Procter and Gamble (PG) is one of the most successful companies in the world. Resulting from effective business operation through cultural diversity, PG has become one of the most successful organizations. PG is the largest consumer goods production company in the world and well known around the world with a long history. PG is concerned about cultural diversity and they place an importance on it. Robert Mcdonald, Chairman of the Board, President and CEO and Linda Clement-Holmes, Past Chief Diversity Officer, and Senior Vice President, Global Business Service mention that Even during a challenging business climate, Diversity Inclusion remains a key priority. We believe diversity and inclusion is a competitive adva ntage. [1] Therefore PG is a good example in the education of young business workers and other companies to succeed in international business. This paper focuses on the issue of a global workforce by relating how PG manages a global workforce and remains successful in international business. II. Company Overview: Procter and Gamble (PG) is a company focused on consumer goods production. The company provides brands and packages goods involved in Beauty, Grooming and Household Care. The company was founded by William Procter and James Gamble in 1837 and is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. PG is the largest company in the world that serves 4.6 billion consumers globally, produces and markets more than 300 brands and sells in more than 180 countries. To better support the global marketplace, PG divided their geographic structure into four regions North America, Asia, Latin America, and Europe/Middle East/ Africa. [2] PGs History William Procter who was candle maker and James Gamble who was soap maker both of them immigrated from England and Ireland. They are located to Cincinnati Ohio. After that, their father-in-law persuaded them to joins a business partners. Therefore, Procter and Gamble was founded in 1837. [3] In the 1880s, the company produced a new product named Ivory. Ivory was a cheap soap that did not sink in water. During the American Civil War in 1858-1859, the company signed to provide the Union Army with soap from Procter and Gamble. In addition, to increase profit and product demand, it developed a lot of product lines that were related to soap such as for hair, laundry and dishwashers. [4] Moreover, in 1887, PG began a profit sharing program for company workers. This program helped the workforce join their crucial duty with the companys success. [5] In 1915, PG started to build factories outside the United States because of the demand for products. PG opened another product facility in Canada for soap and Crisco. [6] Radio grew more popular in the 1920s and 1930s, and PG sponsored radio programs. That is the origin of the word soap operas. Moreover, PG is the first company to manage data based market research with customers. This research helps the company enhance customer understanding and respond to consumer needs. [7] PG is the first company that instituted the Consumer Relations Department to respond and connect with the consumer in 1941. In addition, in 1973, the company created a toll-free phone number an e- mail in the 1980s to improve customers ability to contact the company. [8] In 1984 PG was one of the top 100 Best companies to work. Each year, the company receives many global honors for diversity, value, and improvement of lives. [9] PG obtained the honors from the U.S. Governments National Medal of Technology in 1996. Since PG is the company that improved and created advance technology for response to the consumer needs. [10] In 2010, PG understood the consumer needs and created the modernization program for help touch, on consumers needs. This enhanced consumers lives to complete the companys goal. Moreover, PG was one of the sponsors of the London Olympic Games in 2012. [11] Products For more than 170 years, PG has provided 50 leading brands around the world and 25 brands have more than $1 billion in annual sales. About 4.6 billion consumers use PG products every day. For consumers better life style and brand loyalty, PG tries to improve their products by observing and testing in order to get the best suitable products for their customers. PGs brands can be divided into two groups: Beauty and Grooming; and Household Care. The top products include the following [12] : Beauty and Grooming: Gillette, Olay, SKII, Head and Shoulders, Herbal Essences, Pantene, Rejoice, Safeguard, Always Ivory, Oral-B, Gucci Fragrances, Dolce Gabbana Cosmetic and CoverGirl. Household Care: Duracell, Mr. clean, Swiffer, Pampers, Tide, Downy, Dash and Gain. [13] Figure 1: PG Popular Products [14] PG SWOT Analysis [15] Strengths Most important market position collected on a convincing brand portfolio Significant RD and marketing investments Durable cash productivity Weakness High instance of product recalls Opportunities Future increase plans with focus on growth attention on its essential good-looking business and improving its consumers base Increase investment in production ability in developing countries Threats Rising inflation could cause considerable increase in the work cost Fake goods SWOT Analysis Overview PG is the largest consumer products company in the world. From past until now PG still leading market position collected on a strong brand portfolio with incomes of $78,938 million and serves products to 4.2 billion people. Moreover, PG also provided significant research and development and marketing investment to investigation the products for respond the market. PG invested a lot of money with RD part and marketing. The company use RD by attempt to connect with customer around the world for research and learn customer behavior and focused on consumer understanding. [16] However, PG is the company with a difference kind of product and large size but sometimes mistakes can happen in production. Some product brands are often recalled such as in November 2009 PG recalled Vicks Sine X nasal spray from Germany, UK and US because of the company found bacteria B. Cepa cia from product that produce in Germany. Later in March 2010 PG recalled Pringles the potato ship because of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found the Salmonella bacteria that cause of hazard with healthy. Repeated products are often recalled cause the company less in consumer trust and impact with company financial. [17] Moreover in the future PG has plan to focused on growth attention on its essential good-looking business and improving its consumer base for maintain the company that largest consumer product in the world. The attractive point from analysis is how PG adapt and develop diversity challenges to be its strength for improve business becomes to strength business strategies and develop products for respond consumer around the world. The particular issue the company has to face in global workforce Over its 175 -year history and professional background, the other factors that make PG success in the world is understand with its employees, consumers behavior and culture diversity. Although PG is an American company but it has strong growth from the mid 1940s to 2000 on international. PG products are available in North America, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, Western Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, New Zealand and Australia. [18] Therefore the one essential challenge of PG is a Global Workforce. Although PG has encounter with global workforce and culture diversity, understanding the difference and issue of culture diversity and context of international business can help PG is successful in global market. Moreover company must have learned how to improve and how to solve the issue to the company for success in business world. When the company wants to work in different culture, employees must have to understand and consider about the culture in each country. Employee should be considered which country is low context or high context by observing the people behavior in each country. If the employees understand the culture and known how it contrast with each other it is the important step to complete intercultural proficiency and increase ability to working in global workplace. [19] If the company wants to be successful in global business, there are various types of behavior suggestion that should be applied and avoided in order to increase a performance of intercultural communication. Therefore, the following recommendations will help the company improve and develop the culture diversity obstacle for company successful in international business. Obstacle of intercultural communication [20] Stereotype is a distorted attitude of groups of people related to their race, nationality and sexual orientation. As stereotypes lead to bias and disregarded the diversity within groups, stereotypes should be avoided. Prejudice is an aggressive attitude about some people or group of people. Prejudice is not based on experience but based on misunderstanding and generalization. Ethnocentrism is belief in your own culture that right, reasonable and better than the other cultures. Discrimination is the obvious action to except, bypass or break up oneself from the other groups. Language Differences is people who from different culture or different country may pick up the vocabulary of a new culture. This situation lead to misunderstanding between people. Suggestions for develop communication among diverse work place audiences [21] Seek training. Particularly in international organizations that face to diversity problems. Companies should provide training to employees about workforce diversity and increase employees skill about intercultural communication. Understand the value of differences. Diversity makes n organization creative. If the company recognizes the difference and importance of each customer groups, the company will be able to run it. Make fewer assumptions. Companies should not assume that all customers wants the same products or like the same products. Companies should produce product variety for customers option. The Companys solution to the issues: How PG manages a global workforce How PG apply suggestions for develop communication among diverse workplace audiences with the PGs case. Seek training In order to understand the culture and behavior of customers is not easy because different culture, difference group and difference age it makes different demand of customers. Therefore PG recognizes the importance of employees diversity training. At PG diversity training is one part of management programs that explain different about diversity attitude that make the company successful. [22] PGs employees must learn the goodness of diversity culture through program called Cultures At Work. This program is taught about culture context that consist of high context cultures such as Asia cultures are more likely thoughtful and instinctive and low context cultures such as German and North American communicators are more likely to use linear logic. [23] Understand the value of difference A lot of companies such as Wal-Mart must failed when expand the branch to foreign country because of culture diversity. Like PG the important problems of PG are face with diversity workers and communication problem in international employees. The essential of company strategy PG want to support employees culture diversity by established the seven corporate affinity groups for understand about workers culture and behavior in each group. Corporate affinity groups are consist of African Ancestry Leadership Network (AALN), Corporate Womens Leadership Team (CWLT), Gay, Ally, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Employees (GABLE), Asian Pacific American Leadership Team (APALT), Hispanic Leadership Team (HLT), Native American Indian Leadership Team (NAILT), and People with Disabilities (PWD). [24] PG understand the value of diversity board chief. Thus 11 board members of PG are consist of two are Black, one is Asian, one is Latino and four are women. [25] Make fewer assumptions. Procter and Gamble avoid the idea that the product is available in one country will be available to other countries. From errors in the past such as in Mexico PG produced the Downy Single Rinse this product help to clean clothes. However PG did not think about the differences washed clothes way between American customers and Mexican customers. American use washing machine while Mexican washed clothes in rivers. Therefore, this product was failed in Mexico from this case it makes the PG try to research customer behavior and exert time and money for explore target market. [26] As a result, PG design to run the Living It campaign in order to authorize company workers to live with consumers in their home, go to shopping with consumers for notice consumer behavior when they want to buy some products. Moreover, PG design another associated campaign Working It campaign in order to support Living It campaign by company workers hang out the small shop and observation about shopper behav ior and products in shelves for assemble information and bring it to develop company product in the future. [27] From this campaign bring the PG become to success in the business market and can expand the product through a lot of countries. Conclusion PG global workforce problem can be solved by the company tries to understanding and developing the culture diversity and international communication. Another factors that makes the PG complete in global market is research the customer behavior, develop and improve the product that support the customer want. As many of cases of the past PG always to researches and studies about customer culture in each country and develop the new products for support the customer and find the way to run business across cultural. In addition, PG applying the methods for enhancing communication between diverse workplace that help the company to handle with the problem of the global workplace and improve employees ability to work in international market.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Building Trust and Security in Web Services :: Technology Computers Internet Essays
Building Trust and Security in Web Services The yearning to componentize software development, where software is "assembled" like an automobile, where each component interacts with the other components in an unambiguous and streamlined fashion is very old and deep rooted. For, the most significant challenges in software development are maintaining and changing software pieces which perform redundant functions and integrating such components with one another. As the industry started to mature, significant research has taken place to find ways of architecting software components as building blocks that are seamlessly integrated, irrespective of where those components reside or how they are implemented. CORBA and COM arrived on the scene addressing these issues and providing a sound architecture for distributed computing. While these very interesting developments were going on, the Internet revolution took place simultaneously as more and more businesses started to register their presence on the web. E-business and e-commerce have seen tremendous growth in the past 7 years where major business functions are taking place through the medium of internet and some businesses are run entirely on the Internet. As a result more and more business software processes had to interact with their business counterparts over the Internet. The eventual convergence of these two paradigm shifts in the software development resulted in the birth of Web Servic es. Web Services are fundamental building blocks of software that are deployed in heterogeneous software and hardware platforms, that describe and publish their behavior to potential consumers (UDDI), based on a software contract (WSDL) interact with consumers by receiving and sending (XML) messages through a common protocol (SOAP). The scenario where a software component can dynamically detect, contract and utilize services provides a strong semantic connection to the web and may truly revolutionize the web. But the prospect of unprecedented inter-connectivity comes with huge challenges of security and raises serious questions on ethics and legalities. Some of the challenges are Security: How to prevent unauthorized access to critical information, code or a business process? Moreover the pertinent question is how to prevent misuse of critical information, code or a business process, gained by authorized access. Trust and Verification: What should be the parameters that enables establishing trust between a potential consumer and a provider? Even if 'trust' is established how can the consumer 'verify' the trust? Ownership and Responsibility: How to enforce ownership rights and accountability? When there is a software failure who owns up for it ?
Monday, November 11, 2019
Anxiety Among Alcoholics and Non-Alcoholics Essay
Abstract Alcohol is one of the most widely used drug substances in the world. For many people, drinking alcohol is nothing more than a pleasant way to relax. People with alcohol use disorders, however, drink to excess, endangering both themselves and others. In the mental health area alcoholism is caused mostly by depression, anxiety and stress, on the other hand it also leads to depression and stress. The present study aims to compare depression and anxiety among alcoholics and non- alcoholics. It was assumed that depression and anxiety may be the risk factors for alcoholism. A sample of 100 people (50 alcoholics and 50 non-alcoholics) was randomly selected from Delhi. Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) were used to collect data on depression and anxiety. t-test was administered to compare two groups. The result of the study showed that alcoholic group was higher on depression as well as anxiety than the non alcoholic group, and it was also found that there is n o clear cut casual relationship between alcoholism and depression and anxiety. Alcoholism is perhaps most strongly associated with antisocial personality disorder and drug abuse, but its relationship to other forms of psychopathology has become increasingly evident. In particular, investigations of alcoholic samples indicate a strong co-occurrence of alcoholism with diverse form of anxiety and depressive disorder (Barbor et al, 1992; Chambless et al, 1987; Hasegawa 1991; keller 1994; Nunes, Quitkin & Berman, 1988; Penick, 1994; Schuckit, Irwin & Brown, 1990). ______________________________________________________________________ *Associate professor, Deptt. Of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh **Research scholar, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. According to Nijhawan (1972) Anxiety, one of the most pervasive psychological phenomenons of the modern era refers to a â€Å"persistent distressing psychological state arising from an inner conflict†. Depression can be defined as â€Å"a state of mind, or more specifically, a mental disorder, characterized by lowering of the individual’s vitality, his mood, his desires, hopes, aspirations and of his self-esteem. It may range from no more than a mild feeling of tiredness and sadness to the most profound state of apathy with complete, psychotic disregard for reality.†(Mendelssohn, 1963). Alcoholism can lead people into serious trouble, and can be physically and mentally destructive. Currently alcohol use is involved in half of all crimes, murders, accidental deaths, and suicides. There are also many health problems associated with alcohol use such as brain damage, cancer, heart disease, diseases of the liver, depression anxiety and other mental disorders. Results from community surveys and epidemiologic samples indicate that substantial comorbidity also exists for depression, anxiety and alcoholism in the general population (Regier et al, 1990; Helzer & Pryzbeck, 1988; Kendler et al, 1995). The high co-occurrence of these syndromes, therefore, represents a significant clinical and public health issue that is likely to affect a substantial proportion of the general population. Although the comorbidity of alcoholism with anxiety and depressive disorders has been extensively documented in both clinical and epidemiologic investigations, the specific mechanisms underlying these associations remain a source of debate. One widely accepted hypothesis is that these forms of comorbidity reflect a causal relationship of alcoholism with anxiety and depression. Support for a causal association is based partly on observations that alcohol is commonly used to self- medicate symptoms of negative affect, and so, alcoholism often develops as a secondary diagnosis to anxiety and depression (Meyer & Kranzler,1990; Hesselbrock, Meyer & Keener,1985; Lader,1972; Merikangas et al,1985). The 18-month follow-up of participants of the Psychiatric Morbidity among Adults Living in Private Households, 2000 survey (Singleton & Lewis, 2003) provides an opportunity to determine whether excessive alcohol consumption and abnormal patterns of use are risk factors for incident anxiety and depression in the general population. The study also examined the reverse relationship, considering whether anxiety and depression are risk factors for the development of abnormal patterns of alcohol consumption. However, evidence for a causal relationship is not unidirectional as alcoholism is often observed as a primary disorder, and the presence of problem drinking itself may generate severe anxiety or depressive syndromes (Mendelson & Mello, 1979, Nathan, O’Brien & Lowenstein, 1971; Schuckit, Irwin & Smith, 1994; Stockwell, Hodgson & Rankin, 1982). Heavy alcohol consumption has been implicated in the development of anxiety and depression (Schuckit, 1983). Many cross-sectional studies have identified considerable comorbidity between anxiety and depression, and alcohol abuse. For example, data from four large community based epidemiological studies (n>422 000) in Europe and the USA consistently demonstrated a two- to threefold increase in the lifetime prevalence of anxiety and depression in those with DSM–III or DSM–III–R alcohol abuse or dependence (Swendsen et al, 1998). If anxiety disorders and alcoholism are casually related, there should be a high rate of alcoholism among patients being treated for anxiety disorders. Two studies (Torgersen, 1986; Cloninger et al, 1981) of the prevalence of alcoholism in patients being treated for anxiety neurosis were identified. These investigations suggest a lifetime population prevalence of alcohol abuse/dependence of approximately 14%. The survey of the relevant literature made it quite obvious that much of the studies show a prevalence of depression and anxiety among alcoholics. However, previous studies have also pointed out the possibility of alcoholism as risk factors for depression and anxiety. At the same time, literature does not provide any clear cut direction towards the casual relationship between alcoholism and depression and anxiety. Thus, despite the strong association of alcoholism with anxiety and depressive disorders, no universal consensus has been reached regarding the specific mechanisms underlying these associations. The present study aims to identify depression and anxiety among alcoholic and non-alcoholic peoples. Method: Sample: sample of the present study consisted of 100 subjects (50 alcoholics and 50 non alcoholics). The alcoholics were identified through survey from different living areas (including rural, urban and semi-urban) of Delhi and 50 alcoholics were randomly selected for the study. In the same way the non-alcoholic subjects were also selected randomly from different parts of Delhi. The age range of the subjects was between 25 to 50 years. Tools: â€Å"Beck Depression Inventory†BDI -2nd was designed by Beck, Steer & Brown (1996). This self report scale has shown to document levels of depression. BDI -2nd edition contains 21 items, each answer being scored on a scale value of 0 to 3. The cut offs used are 0-13 Minimal depression; 14-19 Mild depression; 20-28 Moderate depression; and 29-63 Severe Depression. Higher total scorer indicates more severe depression symptoms. â€Å"Beck Anxiety Inventory†was designed Beck, Epstein, Brown, Steer (1988). This self report scale has shown to document levels of Anxiety symptoms in a valid and consistent manner. BAI contains 21 items each answer being scored on a scale value of 0 to 3. Each symptom item has four possible answer choices: not at all (assigned value =o); Mildly (it did not bother me much) (assigned value=1); Moderately (it was unpleasant but I could stand it) (assigned value =2); and Severely (I could barely stand it) (assigned value =3). The values for each item are summed together to yield an overall or score for all 21 symptoms that can range between 0 and 63 points. A total score of 0-7 is interpreted as a minimal level of Anxiety, 8-15 as ‘mild’, 16-25 as ‘moderate’ and 26-63 as ‘severe’. The BAI is psychometrically sound. Interval consistency ÃŽ ± =.92 to.94, for adults and test-retest (one week interval) reliability is .75. Procedure: The test for depression and anxiety were administered on the subjects individually after establishing the rapport with them. Each and every item was explained to the subject, and then he was asked to respond truly for the item. Thus data was collected for depression and anxiety from alcoholic and non-alcoholic people. t-test was applied to find out the significance of difference between the Mean scores of different groups. Results: TABLE-1 Showing comparison of Mean for depression and anxiety scores between the alcoholics and non-alcoholics Variables| Groups| N| Mean| Std.deviation| t | df| P| depression| Alcoholic Nonalcoholic| 50 50| 35.7600 17.1000| 10.17913 6.15530| 11.092| 98| .01*| Anxiety| Alcoholicnonalcoholic| 50 50| 38.0800 18.3200| 11.55261 6.18570| 10.662| 98| .01*| *Significant at .01 level of confidence TABLE-1 further shows the results obtained by the comparison of alcoholics and non alcoholic group for depression and anxiety. The obtained results show that the mean depression score (M=35.7600) for alcoholic people is higher than the mean depression score (M=17.1000) for non alcoholic people, and the difference between the two means (t=11.092) is statistically significant at .01 level of confidence. Consequently it reveals the findings that alcoholic people have higher depression than the non-alcoholics. The TABLE-1 also shows the results of the comparison of alcoholic and non-alcoholic people on anxiety. The mean anxiety scores (M=38.0800) of alcoholics is found very much higher than the mean anxiety scores (M=18.3200) of the non-alcoholics and the two means difference (t=10.662) is statistically significant at .01 level of confidence. It indicates that alcoholic people have higher anxiety than the non-alcoholic people. Discussion: The basis of the above results may safely be concluded that the alcoholics are highly depressed and extremely anxious than the non-alcoholic people. However, the high prevalence of these anxiety and depressives’ symptoms does not necessarily mean that these alcoholic individuals will demonstrate the long term course or require the long term treatments associated with DSM-III-R major depressive and anxiety disorders. The temporal nature of the association between Depression & Anxiety and alcohol is difficult to determine from studies, which uncertainty arising as to whether alcohol is a risk factor or a form of self –medication. The finding of the present study support the findings of Hartka et al, (1991) that reported a significant correlation between baseline consumption of alcohol and depression at follow-up based on data from eight longitudinal studies. However, in this analysis control of confounders was limited to age, gender and interval between measurements. Overall, our findings are contradictory with those of Wang & Patten (2001) who observed no excess morbidity among those who drank daily, those who drank in binges (more than five drinks), those who had more than one drink daily, and among drinkers in general. Alcohol dependence was not considered. Similarly, in a randomly selected community cohort with follow-up at 3 and 7 years, Moscato et al (1997) found no excess incidence of depressive symptoms among those with ‘alcohol problems’ (defined as a DSM–IV diagnosis of alcohol dependence or abuse or drinking more than five drinks a day on one or more occasions per week). It may safely be concluded on the bases of previous literature and result of the present study that there is no clear cut casual relationship between depressive and anxiety disorder and alcoholism. In the similar way our findings of the study show that the alcoholics are more depressive and anxious than the non alcoholics. Though it does not show any clear cut picture either alcohol is risk factor for depression and anxiety or depression and anxiety is a risk factor for alcoholism. References Babor, T., Wolfson, A., Boivin, D., Radouco-Thomas, S., Clark, W. (1992). 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Saturday, November 9, 2019
Corruption in The Pearl essays
Corruption in The Pearl essays The Pearl is a book full of corruption and cheats. The Pearl is written by John Steinbeck. Corruption is a departure from what is morally correct or pure by means of material wealth or possessions. The Pearl , by John Steinbeck, is a book of corrution because Kino wont let go of the evil pearl, the doctor wont heal with out a lot of money, and the pearl buyers are cheats. Kino refuses to let go of the pearl that he knows is evil. For example, No, I will fight this thing. I will win over it. We will have our chance.(Steinbeck 57) Juana is warning him, but Kino refuses to listen. Kino is already becoming corrupt. In addition, No one will take out good fortune from us.(Steinbeck 57) Kino is determined to keep a hold of the pearl, no matter what happens. Kino is becoming selfish and greedy in his ways. Kino is corrupted by the wealth that the pearl will bring. The doctor in the town wont cure the sick baby. For example, You have a pearl? A good Pearl?(Steinbeck 35) The doctor acts as if he doesnt know about the pearl. He knows what is doing and continues to cheat them. In addition, I had not heard of it. Do you keep this pearl in a safe place? Would you like me to put it in my safe?.(Steinbeck 35) The doctor wants to put it in his safe for him to keep. He thinks theyre stupid enough to fall for his trickery. The doctor is corrupt. He wants nothing but money and wont work with out a lot of it. The pearl buyers are cheats. For example, ...Im only an appraiser. Ask the others...(Steinbeck 50) The pearl buyers all work for the same person. They will give the same answers because they are all in it together. In addition, ..This pearl-it is a monstrosity.(Steinbeck 51) Each pearl buyer said the same thing about the pearl. They were trying to cheat Kino out of his money by saying it was worthless. The pearl buyers are co ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Job Seekers... Have You Heard About LinkedIns Job Seeker Premium
Job Seekers... Have You Heard About LinkedIns Job Seeker Premium Note: Im not endorsing this service since I do not know the results people have gotten from it, but its important to know it exists and is an option for enhancing your online job search. My sense is that the service is most useful for someone contacting recruiters and hiring managers in a particular field. I encourage you to research the service to determine whether it is right for you. If you are a LinkedIn member and you are looking for a job, you might do well to subscribe to LinkedIns Job Seeker Premium Account service. For just $29.99/month, you get organizational tools and direct access to recruiters that you do not get with a regular LinkedIn account. You will also be featured as a job seeker to help you get noticed in the big LinkedIn pool. There are more expensive versions of this service as well. If it works, I hope you wont have to subscribe for more than 2 or 3 months. Ideally, you’ll get your value back a hundred fold and think that the LinkedIn Job Seeker Premium account was worth it. For more information see LinkedIn Job Seeker Premium on the LinkedIn site. Of course, it wont help to get the attention of recruiters and hiring managers if your LinkedIn profile is not up to par. The Essay Experts LinkedIn Profile Services will help you ensure that your LinkedIn image makes the right impression. I recommend working on your profile first, and then signing up for the premium service if youre interested. If anyone has used this service and has results to report, please share them in the comments. Id love to know whether you have found value from upgrading.
Monday, November 4, 2019
The Emergence of the Project of Development Essay
The Emergence of the Project of Development - Essay Example Scientific aspects of modernization emerged during the cold war, and applied in the decolonization period to change the world economy. Escobar (25) points out that technology emerged during the colonial period and during the world war. In the time of World War II, countries such as Germany engaged in reinvention of technology to support their armies during the time of war. The colonial government introduced technology in agriculture and this led to the change in agricultural style during the period of decolonization.In the advent of technology, colonized countries modeled their agricultural style, which formed a critical part of the project of global development. With improved productivity in agriculture, many continents including Africa and Asia developed and improved their economic independence. Briefly, the decolonization and post war period formed a critical step towards project development. However, a more interesting twist of events culminating to project development was the sp ecialization brought about by modernization. Technological advancement led to specialization in many facets of production. For instance, food processing industries focused on processing and hence able to develop at a higher rate. Likewise, all other facets were able to develop faster. In many countries, the post-colonial period became a period of political development and consequential socio-economic changes. Indeed, during the decolonization period, countries such as South Africa became conscious of identity politics.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
My Interactions with the Jesuit values Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
My Interactions with the Jesuit values - Essay Example Also, a compassionate and loving heart if not tempered by the logic and decorum emanating from the heart is but a rudderless ship, incapable of reaching its destination, being most of the time trapped in the morass of indecision and wavering. It is in the divine unity of the mental and emotional faculties that lies the true future of humanity and mankind. The Jesuit model of education actively inculcates the unity of human understanding and emotions. When the human personality is not amply mature and had not attained the ripeness ushered in by continual and persistent contemplation and education, the heart and the mind tend to be in a state a conflict. This is many a times markedly signified by having a strong desire to do something or engage in some activity that innately seems to be inappropriate or wrong. I believe that a preponderance of such instances in human life gives way to ample emotional and mental problems, which if allowed proceeding beyond a certain limit could degenera te into some kind of neurosis. Yet, ironically, I feel that this is the actual dilemma of the modern civilization so open to the winds of materialism and a deluge of information. Many a times in my life I felt that though I had everything that I materially desired and had access to most of the modern freedoms and rights, still there was something lacking within me that restrained me from evolving into a complete person. It is only after learning about, understanding and meditating upon the Jesuit value of the unity of body and mind that I realized that it was possible to pull myself out of this dilemma. I realized that the purpose of human existence and education is to aspire for a holistic development, the kind of evolution where the aspirations of the heart are shaped and molded by the discipline and formality emanating from the mind. This may seem nice to read, but, believe me, achieving such a state of existence is easier said than done, and requires continual practice and dedic ation, not to mention the immense need for prayer and self evaluation. It is only when a person has the good luck to be placed in the circumstances that are imbued with just the right values and ethics that one is able to instinctively realize the unity and harmony existing between the mind and the heart, the body and the soul. However, if, by the grace of God, one turns out to be blessed enough to placed under the tutelage of experts and institutions that encourage the flowering and evolution of the whole person rather than lopsidedly encouraging the segmented faculties of the human personality that one is able to evolve into a complete person in whom the yearnings and aspirations of the heart are propitiously tempered by the wisdom and maturity of the mind, leading to happiness and completeness in most of the spheres of life, are they spiritual, social, academic, economic or domestic. In that context, the Jesuit value of the unity of mind and the heart had a profound impact on var ied facets of my life. It not only helped me to proceed on a journey that promised happiness and grace, but also endowed me with the much required qualities like humility, patience and persistence. It encouraged me to engage with the complexities of the outside world with a deeply felt and morally
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