Importance of college essay
Argumentative Essay Topics Involving Child Psychology
Monday, August 24, 2020
Business plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Marketable strategy - Essay Example st of 10 pages and ought to incorporate in any event quick consideration regarding such key issues as business idea, financing needs, showcasing plan, accounting report and so on. It’s a decent method to test the enthusiasm of potential accomplice or minor speculator. The working arrangement is an instrument to be utilized to work the business. It might be long detail yet short on introduction. An introduction plan contrasts from that more consideration is paid to alluring arranging formal language and brevity. It is reasonable to show to financiers, speculators outside the organization. We proposed to design a business dependent on kitchenware things managing import and circulation however not for retailing and it bars electricals.Cleaner, complex and an agreeable kitchen product would make cooking a helpful encounter. Huge offices for assembling and capacity empower to create a wide scope of kitchen accessories.Varieties are acquired various plans, shapes and sizes. The quality of these items relies upon esteem included excellent kitchen extras. The general duty rate is moderately low; it forces high taxes on specific items. It is the market fragment to which a specific item is promoted. There are for the most part three stages to focusing on: - Market Segmentation, Target Choice, Product Positioning. As indicated by the United Kingdom’s Department of Commerce the whole exchange is continues growing these days. In setting an establishment on which a reasonable market procedure for kitchen product adornments need to confront parcel of rivalry. So as to contend with their own competitor’s sufficient market division is basic. It is significant that the business is topographically situated with the greater part of the customer chipping away at a neighborhood premise. Technique and execution outline of promoting says that picture is the key factor for representatives, in light of the fact that their work is increasingly attractive and less cost touchy. 1) Advertising: - It is a paid type of administrations that are only payable while acquiring certain advantages.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Jack Johnson †“Sleep Through the Static†free essay sample
Last February, the adored Hawaii-conceived Jack Johnson discharged his fourth splendid  album. The craftsman has made some amazing progress since his first CD, â€Å"Brushfire Fairytales†(2001), and has demonstrated the world his development in his most recent collection, â€Å"Sleep Through the Static.†Keeping his tranquil, loosening up rhythms and tones, he is the regular old Jack we know and love. Be that as it may, in this collection, he has wandered from ridiculous verses, similar to those in  â€Å"Banana Pancakes,†and  matured, taking a more profound point of view and love. This album’s first single, â€Å"If I Had Eyes,†has a snappy beat as well as relatable verses about a bombed relationship. From that point, Johnson shows his capacity to bounce from cheery rhythms to delicate melodies. As the collection advances, the relieving tones remain and the audience encounters unwinding, sea shore benevolent beats. The CD likewise includes two contacting melodies: â€Å"Angel,†for his better half, and â€Å"Go On,†about watching his youngsters grow up. We will compose a custom paper test on Jack Johnson †â€Å"Sleep Through the Static†or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Different tracks highlighting Johnson’s assessments on affection and the battles of life rouse us to chime in and concur. By rolling out a couple of improvements and making a specific uniqueness, Johnson has set a chill tone for individuals wherever to appreciate.
Friday, July 17, 2020
What Makes Your Corporate Identity Unique (Hint Its Not What You Think)
What Makes Your Corporate Identity Unique (Hint It’s Not What You Think) How many logos of famous companies are you able to draw? Probably quite a few since these visual representations of the company have become a core part of our daily lives as the products themselves. We are constantly surrounded with different visual cues about businesses â€" videos, images and website templates are part of our lives.But how do companies ensure their corporate identities or these visual representations of their business are correct and authentic? Let’s explore what corporate identity is, the biggest mistake you can make thinking what separates the best from the rest, and what is actually behind a strong and unique corporate identity. WHAT IS CORPORATE IDENTITY?Let’s first be clear what corporate identity is before we start analyzing how it can be unique. You can’t truly create something unique unless you know what you’re creating in the first place. If you look up ‘corporate identity’ in the Business Dictionary, you find the following description:“Combination of color schemes, designs, words, etc., that a firm employs to make a visual statement about itself and to communicate its business philosophy.â€Quite simply, your corporate identity tells you and others what your business is all about â€" the specifics that make you different from all the other businesses out there. The dictionary definition goes on to state,“corporate identity is ‘out there’ sensory-experience conveyed by things such as buildings, décor, logo, name, slogan, stationary, uniforms, and is largely unaffected by its financial performance and ups and downs in its fortuneâ€Your corporate identity can essentially be either a s trong on â€" creating instant recognition among consumers â€" or a weak one. However, as the above suggest, this doesn’t necessarily always mean your business itself is doing bad or well in terms of its profit-making ability. Corporate identity is a physical expression of the essence of the company.However, as I’ll explain later, it shouldn’t see completely separate from the other representations of the idea of the business â€" what the company is about should also be highlighted through the communication and behavior of the business.Furthermore, corporate identity shouldn’t be seen as a layered structure. The internal and external representations of what the philosophy must be same â€" the customers have to experience the same corporate identity to the employees and other stakeholders.The idea of corporate identity and the need for businesses to develop their own unique voices is not a recent phenomenon. It developed as a concept in the 1960s when the corporate landscape ch anged from individual industrial companies to multi-national corporations on a global scale. It became more important for a business to stand out from competition â€" there had to be identities that told consumers the kind of story or business ethos they are buying into.By the 1970s, the concept of corporate identity was on everyone’s lips and advertising consultants became a core part of business development. The idea of a strong and unique corporate identity became central to corporate planning and successful implementation of corporate identity strategy was considered a major reason some companies succeeded while others failed.Below is a video of how Virgin developed its corporate identity under Richard Branson. This is great for getting a grasp of what corporate identity is and prepares you well for what I’m about to say in the following chapters. THE SINGLE REASONS YOU SHOULD CARE ABOUT ITSo, why does corporate identity have such a hold on people’s imaginations? Why are b usinesses willing to spend money on creating a corporate identity?There is essentially only one reason a business should care about corporate identity and that’s performance. A Strategy survey back in 2013 peered into the world of corporate identity and made a series of interesting findings. For instance, according to the respondents, developing corporate identity strategy is problematic because most companies have too many strategic objectives. But the key finding in terms of corporate identity was how companies with a strong corporate identity outperform those without one by 25%.While your financial performance isn’t always directly linked to your corporate identity, by ensuring you have a clear identity, you create a strong base for succeeding and growing.If you think of the biggest and most successful companies, you instantly think about their strong corporate identities â€" Apple, Coca-Cola and Google have all been rather good at creating a visual representation of their bu siness philosophy and made it stick with us.When you scratch deeper, you notice that the ability to outperform comes from the three big advantages a strong corporate identity will provide for a business. These can be divided into three key benefits:Enhanced consumer loyalty â€" A good corporate identity boosts performance because it can keep customers more engaged with your business. Customers have their own identities and a good corporate identity speaks to those in a way that aligns these two separate stories or philosophies together. The corporate’s emphasis on sustainability in a sea of other identities that are about something else can help consumers with like-minded ideas to stick with them. Customers who subscribe to your corporate identity will feel part of the story â€" they don’t want to conduct business elsewhere.Strengthened corporate experienceâ€"There is also an emphasis on the whole corporate experience when companies focus on building strong identities. You align not just the external images with the company philosophy, but also the behavior and communication of the message. The consumer doesn’t just experience the identity by looking at the logo but also feels the identity when shopping the products, contacting customer service or using the product or service. Corporate identity can help create a strong and strategic approach to conducting business.Structured corporate personaâ€" Every business benefits from having a specific corporate person, which is essentially what corporate identity is about. It’s the impression we have when we hear about a business â€" shaped by what we’ve experienced and what we’ve heard. Just like you have an impression and persona build about your friends and family, you’ll also have corporate personas in mind when you think about your favorite brands.It is these three building blocks that help a business compete and to stand out in the crowd. By creating a strategic approach to implementing your busines s ethos, you strengthen the areas that contribute to performance â€" you obtain and retain customers better, you streamline your services to provide better service, and you help build a reputation.THE BIG MISTAKE TO AVOID WITH CORPORATE IDENTITY Source: Gismodo blog postWhy is it then that businesses often fail in creating successful corporate identities? It happens when the definition of corporate identity is taken to mean purely the visual statement of the business philosophy and most importantly purely equated with the logo. Too often businesses are transfixed with the logo, with purely the visual design and feel of the logo at the core of their attempt to be unique.What’s forgotten is the core message â€" the reason why your logo represents your business. If you’re doing corporate identity right, you will always align your behavior and communication, together with the visual representations, with your business philosophy. You need to have the “what we are†sorted before you can move on to “how we look visuallyâ€. By focusing on the logo, you’re not focusing on ensuring the corporate identity tells the story of your business â€" you’re just creating an image without a story or behavior.Furthermore, it’s a lso harmful to focus purely on the logo when your business will be represented visually in so many more ways. When you visit Apple’s website, the corporate identity isn’t just evident in the logo â€" in fact, you don’t really even encounter the logo as a focus point on the pages. The corporate identity of Apple is much more than just a logo.Think, for example, how TV shows sometimes need to remove logos from laptops for sponsorship reasons. When you tape out the image of the half-bitten apple, you don’t forget the computer is an Apple product. You can see it from the way the product is designed.The same applies to most businesses with a strong corporate identity. You could remove Coca-Cola’s logos from its bottles, website and even ads, yet you’d still know it’s that specific brand and you’d know the story, the philosophy. If I put a blindfold on you and take you to a fast-food joint, you’d know we’re at McDonald’s even if the traditional logo of the golden M o n a red background is removed.Corporate identity goes wrong when people simplify it to a single image â€" when we compress identities into a single representation. But you can’t and you shouldn’t narrow an identity, right? Businesses are a bit like people; we couldn’t create a stamp of our identity and think it’s going to work every time.A logo alone is insufficient in telling a story and representing our corporate ethos â€" identity is about how we look (not just our clothes, but also our makeup), how we talk, how we behave and how we align all of these.The big mistake to avoid with corporate identity is treating these three things as separate and hoping to create an identity simply through a single representation: a logo.HERE’S WHAT ACTUALLY MAKES YOUR CORPORATE IDENTITY UNIQUEIf you want to create a unique corporate identity, then you must focus on aligning the three key areas of corporate design, corporate behavior and corporate communication together â€" you need to e ssentially create a package of visual statements that are sprung from the business philosophy and which relate to the other aspects of your company. You move on from staring at the logo, to truly realizing what your identity is about.To nail down your corporate identity and to find the authentic voice that tells and visualizes your business idea, you need to ensure the three areas are not in conflict with each other. Now, let’s look at each area closer and see how each aspect helps build your authentic voice:Corporate designCorporate design is exactly what most people mistakenly equate with corporate identity. It is about the logo â€" the visual images you use for your business. Corporate design deals with business cards, website templates, font colors and other such visual representations of your business. It is crucial for corporate identity because it is often the first thing people see and interact with. When you search for shoe retailers, you click on the website and the logo is often the first thing that stares back at you.It is the immediate part of corporate identity and it does have a huge impact on how customers view your business. While the logos and other visual images are crucial in creating this first impression, they aren’t the only things that you should focus on, as the above has hopefully highlighted. Nonetheless, a corporate design is the core of your corporate identity and the starting point for creating the visual image for your business.Corporate behaviorHowever, your corporate identity is also strengthened through your behavior. Corporate behavior includes things like how employees are treated and the leadership styles the management uses. These and others like that refer to the internal behaviors, but corporate behavior can also be driven by external behaviors such as how you treat customers, what is your relationship with the media and so on.These behaviors can impact your corporate identity and help the corporate design have an im pact. For example, if you maintain an open and honest relationship with the media, you can strengthen your corporate identity and create a brand based on transparency and communication.When the stories people read about your business are highlighting this image, the actual visual representation â€" your logos, your colors and your fonts â€" becomes associated with the behaviors. Your solid corporate design links with corporate behavior, creating a unique experience of your identity.Corporate communicationSimilarly to the above, your corporate communication â€" the way you speak to customers, advertise your business and interact with the media â€" has a strengthening impact on corporate identity. Your advertising slogan can enhance this transparent behavior â€" We believe in your right to know! â€" and be perfectly aligned with your clear logo.Communication will also happen in the form of your press releases or internally through things like staff meetings. If you can have these comm unication channels represent your business philosophy and deepen the behaviors within your organization, you have a direct impact on the identity.Essentially, you can’t just talk the talk; you also need to walk the walk. Communication must match your behavior and both of these have to match your corporate design. By aligning these three aspects together and linking them with your business philosophy, you can enjoy from a strong and unique corporate identity.You’re not doing something visually that you think appeals to customers, but rather representing your authentic voice as a business. You’re creating a more fulfilled representation of your business â€" the way it looks, behaves and communicates.HOW TO CREATE A UNIQUE CORPORATE IDENTITYSo, when you are looking to create a unique corporate identity that will stand out from the rest, you must focus on four key steps. These will help you align the three building blocks of a strong corporate identity and they ensure your focus i s on authentic and representative identity â€" not just a flashy logo.Step 1: Establish your unique value propositionThe first step deals with your business’ unique value proposition. It’s the most important question any business will ever be asked about: What is your company about? If you’re not quite sure how to answer that, then you definitely need to do a lot more soul-searching. You can’t start to run a successful business or form your own unique identity if you don’t know your brand.You definitely need to have a business plan, a mission statement and a vision for future. If these things are still lacking, you should get started by watching the below video and start finding the underlying cause and objective of your business. The whole idea of this first step is to identify the reason you’re unique. Not just in terms of how you differ from competition, but in your story and objective. A business hardly has the same objective as another business in the same industry â€" there is something there in your product, your service and your objectives that separate you from the rest.Before you can start building your corporate identity and begin the visualization of your business idea, you must be clear what this unique value proposition is about.Step 2: Establish your unique value propositionAfter you’ve cleared the basics, you must move deeper into understanding your business and the brand. You need to determine what’s your spot in the marketplace and who are the people that use your product and service.If you can analyze the most important drivers for growth, you can start identifying the ways in which your customers currently view your business.Knowing your brand will reveal your competitive edge â€" it will deepen your understanding of the current corporate identity and how it aligns with your business philosophy.Step 3: Set the correct toneNow that you have the building blocks for your identity, you start to visualize it â€" you find the voic e that represents your brand and your unique value proposition. Remember the following:Your brand’s voice must be distinctive from the competitors, it must resonate with your customers, and it has to be consistent in terms of your business values and objectives.Since you are now focusing on the corporate design â€" the logos, the colors, the social media templates and so on â€" your focus must be on finding the design that keeps the above in mind. You want to think about your customers and consider the kind of images, colors and fonts they would find visually attractive.These must be then considered in relation to your business philosophy â€" does it all fit together and create an authentic look and feel of your business?Step 4: Be prepared to analyze and refine your identityI was kind of lying earlier when I said there is one big mistake companies make with their corporate identity. There are actually two major issues businesses. The other, i.e. relying just on your logo, has now hopefully been solved with the tips above.However, the second is something different. It is about the failure to change or refine your brand identity. Businesses are terrified of this mainly due to a few famous examples of re-branding that didn’t work. Nonetheless, corporate identity shouldn’t be considered something set in stone and irreplaceable. Corporate identity develops over time, just like the competition around you.Just like you must be constantly looking to refine your products or service, you naturally also need to analyze and refine your brand. Since corporate identity is a culmination of the three elements, design, behavior and communication, changes in one of these means that there needs to be adjustments in the other two.Remember to constantly revisit your corporate identity and its building blocks to ensure your message is still aligned, it still resonated with the consumer, and it has stayed true to your business philosophy.As an example of small refining, look at the three logos. They have all held on to the distinct identity and feel, while still updating the look to something a bit more modern and perhaps refined in terms of what customers are looking for in today’s day and age. Source: Brand Matters websiteTHE KEY TAKEAWAYAfter you’re finished reading this post, you should have taken in the following information: your corporate identity does not equal to your logo. Unique corporate identity is much more basic than that â€" it’s the alignment of your business idea with how it behaves and communicates and represents itself visually.It’s about putting your business’ unique value proposition at the centre of everything you do. A good corporate identity is one where the visual statements tell the same story as the way the business behaves and communicates with its customers, stakeholders and employees.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The American Dream in the Great Gatsby by F. Scott...
American Dream: Corruptions through materialistic items (Theme to text) ROUGH - The concept of the American Dream has been present in the lives of many since the beginning of American literature’s arrival - The ‘American Dreamer’ typically strives to rise from rags to riches, while obtaining wealth, social status, sophistication, love and power whilst on the way to the top - Throughout different era’s and periods of time the American dream has slightly varied, but the ultimate end goal remains the same; based on independence, a need for freedom, and the ability and desire to achieve greatness in one’s lifetime - The early American dream was first introduced by early settlers’ who aspired to move West and find land to start a new life and†¦show more content†¦She has no compassion nor does she care about people’s lives; core issue that leads Gatsby into corruption - Through her conveying appearance, Daisy is able to manipulate Gatsby motives and emotions, while still remaining unconcerned - Her only concern or compassion is based on wealth and power, Daisy just strings Gatsby along, but has no real intent of ever leaving her husband, Tom - The Buchanan’s marriage is full of lies, deceitfulness and unfaithfulness, yet they remain closely linked through their use of money and attention; are unified because of corruption (QUOTE 188) - Other characters within this novel contribute to the detrimental effects of wealth, appearance and materialistic value, while numbing the lives of those around them - The wealthy class, those who attended his lavish events and consumed and used all his assets, are the epitome of selfish, corrupt people who allow the objective of wealth andShow MoreRelatedEssay about Great Gatsby862 Words  | 4 Pages F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby / Gatsbys Desire for Daisy exploring why Gatsby had such an obsessive desire for Daisy. The writer purports that Gatsby began by pursuing an ideal, not the real woman. In fact, he could not recognize the type of person she had become since they last saw each other. Gatsby lives in a dream world and Daisy is part of that dream. As the novel progresses, however, Gatsbys feelings change. Bibliography lists Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby : The RoleRead MoreIllusion and Reality in The Great Gatsby Essay1548 Words  | 7 Pagesand Reality in The Great Gatsby     The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a novel about one mans disenchantment with the American dream. In the story we get a glimpse into the life of Jay Gatsby, a man who aspired to achieve a position among the American rich to win the heart of his true love, Daisy Fay. Gatsbys downfall was in the fact that he was unable to determine that concealed boundary between reality and illusion in his life.   The Great Gatsby is a tightly structuredRead MoreAnalysis Of F. Scott Fitzgerald s The Roaring Twenties 910 Words  | 4 PagesF. Scott Fitzgeraldâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"one of the most celebrated writers of all times†. (Mini Bio)Through his novels or short stories, he was able to reveal the secrets of himself that carried out his destiny. The â€Å"Roaring Twenties†were surrounded by luxurious lifestyles that a small town boy could only dream of. Fitzgerald recognized this and craved that lifestyle and when he came upon it, he realized it was not all that he had dreamed it would be, for wealth was not the problem solver. Francis Scott Key FitzgeraldRead More Pursuit of the American Dream in Great Gatsby and Death of a Salesman1323 Words  | 6 PagesComparing the Pursuit of the American Dream by Jay Gatsby and Willy Loman (Essay outline also included in the word count.) People from all around the world have dreamed of coming to America and building a successful life for themselves. The American Dream is the idea that, through hard work and perseverance, the sky is the limit in terms of financial success and a reliable future. While everyone has a different interpretation of the American Dream, some people use it as an excuse to justifyRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1318 Words  | 6 Pages I. Brainstorm II. Freewrite: I am going to write about the usage of symbols in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. There are many symbols used in the book The Great Gatsby such as the green light, the valley of ashes, and the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg. The green light represents Jay Gatsby’s hopes, as well as his dreams, for the future. Because many people strive to become rich in The Great Gatsby, the result is moral and social decay. 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Scott Fitzgerald1262 Words  | 6 PagesChris Molina Ms. Hunt English 3 5th period 17 March 2015 Outline I. Hook: Everyone wants happiness and success. Thesis Statement: In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the author uses Jay Gatsby to demonstrate the themes of friendship and the American dream. II. Historical Context Topic Sentence #1: The novel was written in the Roaring twenties, when the economy was at its peak. A. Supporting Detail: â€Å"They were careless people, Tom and Daisy- they smashed up things and creatures and thenRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1360 Words  | 6 Pageswe will discover how the 12 stages within The Hero’s Journey outline the story of the main character, J. Gatsby, from the 2013 film adaptation of the classic 1925 novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, directed by Baz Luhrmann. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Studying Renaissance through Its Art Essay - 1269 Words
When we think about art there are many mediums used to express how artist feel. Some artists express themselves using pictures, music, or films. When you think of specific time periods the art work of that period expresses the overall emotions of the people, and we can learn a lot about a time period by studying the art of the time. The time period that most expresses is the Renaissance. The Renaissance is known for the paintings, sculptures and most decorative art from the European period history. It was known as the â€Å"rebirth†and mostly is the period in the European civilization mostly following the middle ages. The Renaissance was the period that had discovery and explorations of the new continents that substituted the Copernican for†¦show more content†¦The economy during the Renaissance was a very price able period that allowed people to sell their own products on the streets and make their own profits. The tools that had developed in the Middle Ages for the exploration is used during the Renaissance period (Wilde). One of the tools is called an astrolabe that is a portable device that is used by the sailors to help them find their way home. They are often used by measuring the distance of the sun and the stars above the horizon, the astrolabes helped them determine the latitude and longitude, and it’s an important tool that helped th e sailors navigate their way back to shore. The magnetic compass was also one of the inventions that were invented in the 12th century but was improved during the Renaissance period (Thompson 167). The explosion of the art during the Renaissance period was mostly the paintings and the sculptures that were the most famous things that all the people during that time period wanted to see or buy from the artist for an available but nice price. The two most famous painters and sculptors are Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. They were both known as the â€Å"Renaissance Man†during that time. For example, a payment for a stone statue might be a year of living expenses, while the same statue in bronze wouldShow MoreRelatedArt and Architecture in the Middle Ages and Renaissance Essay949 Words  | 4 Pagesbetween the Middle Ages and the Renaissance is most visible through art and architecture, demonstrated specifically through an emphasis on religion or classical antiquity, and humanity. During the Middle Ages, art was more religious because it had a very religious influence from the church having such great power in the community. When the Renaissance started, art became more focused on ancient Greece. The Greek influence was because scholars were broadly studying the revival of classical antiquityRead MorePainting Analysis at the National Gallery of Canada1563 Words  | 7 PagesPainting Analysis at the National Gallery of Canada HIS 4001: History of Art II By: Gill Collens 2/14/2013 Professor: Ncole Sammut Simone Martini, St. Catherine of Alexandria, ca. 1322–23, tempera on wood panel, 83.2 Ãâ€" 43.5 cm, 32 3/4 Ãâ€" 17 1/8 in., (with frame). Collection of the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, inv. no. 6430 Contents Table of contents†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦............1 Essay†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦2-5 WorksRead MoreLeonardo Da Vinci, the Epitome of the Italian Renaissance Essay792 Words  | 4 Pagescenter of innovation and creativity in the Italian Renaissance. This renowned city was famous for supplying some of the best artists in the world and for creating the some of the world’s most treasured art. Leonardo da Vinci, possibly one of the greatest painters in the world, was born in Florence and lived his adulthood in Florence, the essence and heart of the Italian Renaissance. Leonardo da Vinci virtually changed the world and the Italian Renaissance by greatly influencing it with his fresh andRead MoreLeonardo Da Vinci : The Most Famous For His Art1448 Words  | 6 Pageshas, he is most famous for his art. What many people don’t know was that he was also a scientist, inventor, and philosopher. Da Vinci lived in a time period known as the Renaissance. This was a time of knowledge and enlightenment, and it gave birth to many of the world’s most talented and educated people. Leonardo da Vinci was a very symbolic artist, but his knowledge and inventions are what led others to follow his lead, making him the main influence of the Renaissance period. 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The Hunters Moonsong Epilogue Free Essays
Ethan gasped, sucking in a long breath of air, and coughed his way awake, his whole body shaking. Everything hurt. Gingerly, he patted himself down, finding that he was sticky with half-dried blood, covered with a score of smal injuries. We will write a custom essay sample on The Hunters: Moonsong Epilogue or any similar topic only for you Order Now Reaching up, he felt the already healing indentation in his back with delicate fingers. The stave the girl had thrust into him had brushed his heart, but it hadn’t pierced it. A half centimeter to one side, and he would have been dead. Real y dead, this time, not undead. Grabbing hold of a velvet-covered chair with one hand, Ethan pul ed himself to his feet and looked around. His lieutenants in the Vitale Society, his friends, lay dead on the floor. The Salvatore brothers, and the girls who were with them, had escaped. Nervously, he felt in one pocket and sighed in relief as his hand closed on a smal vial. Pul ing it out, he looked at the thick red liquid within. Stefan Salvatore’s blood. He fished in the same pocket and drew out a cloth bearing a long reddish-brown stain. Damon Salvatore’s blood. He had what he needed. Klaus would rise again. How to cite The Hunters: Moonsong Epilogue, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
The World of Late Antiquity Essay Sample free essay sample
Bing familiar to the Carolingian literature. we know that Louis’ coevalss were giving give high congratulations to the Louis’ personality. Such respectful attitude barely can be explained due to Louis’ royal manner and rubrics entirely. Many historiographers explored the life of Louis. every bit good as two chroniclers wrote about Louis’ life and workss. What is the account to such lively involvement to Louis’ life? We will research one of these histories ( viz. . Thegan’s Life of Louis the Pious ) in order to reply the inquiry. Thegan’s Life of Louis the Pious is the most important beginning. written non in a traditional mode of the earlier historiographers. but as a history of workss. By and large talking. the point at issue is why did Thegan compose his work? Up to this point. historiography has no extended and elaborate research to be anyplace nigh dedicated to Thegan’s Life of Louis the Pious. We will write a custom essay sample on The World of Late Antiquity Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Short features of Thegan’s work can be found in some generalised historic researches dedicated to the issues of mediaeval literature. every bit good as several plants of a general character. However. all of them are in general understanding that Thegan wrote his work under the influence of the ancient Frankish political system. We can come to conclusion that Thegan. who was the fervent protagonist of Louis I and his policy. tried to warrant the king’s contradictory actions on governmental chases and to reprobate Louis‘ enemies ( first and first Lothar’s protagonists ) . Some historiographers examined Thegan’s Life of Louis the Pious in the capacity of a encomium to Louis that has no relation to world. whereas some of them examined it as a secular political life. or a clerical history. There was an sentiment that Thegan followed his ain personal motivations while composing the history. because. harmonizing to this sentiment. Thegan wrote an ‘answer’ to those. who fought against chorepiscopals. and. by a lucky opportunity. became the emperor’s enemy. Such disagreement in positions and sentiments. sometimes wholly opposite to each other. can be besides explained by the fact that the writers had no purpose to finish a elaborate scrutiny of Thegan’s Life of Louis the Pious. but were limited to the extrinsic features of the most generalised extracts of the content. In this paper we’ll seek to make full this spread so far as is operable. What concerns Thegan’s personality. there is obviously a deficiency of information refering his life. All that is certain is that his name was Thegan ( besides known as Degen and Theganbert ) . and he was a chronicler and a German Catholic archpriest. who died about 850 a. d. In contrast to his confounding life. the day of the month of his work can be established rather easy. The writer tells about the epidemic of pestilence that occurred in Lothar’s ground forces in the fall of 836 a. vitamin D. At the same clip. Thegan mentions neither the Louis the German’s rebellion of 838 a. d. nor about the Adalung’s decease ( the archimandrite of St. Vaast’s. who died in August 24. 837 a. d. ) . Besides. Thegan does reference of the deceases of other people. non merely the enemies. but the emperor’s friends every bit good ( for illustration. the count of Toulouse Berengar. called the Wise ) . Therefore. his history should be written about between fall 836 a. d. and summer 837 a. d. ( the latest in winter 837/838 a. d. ) . Despite the celerity. even the hastiness in the chronicle’s creative activity. Thegan’s Life of Louis the Pious appears as an built-in and complete history. At the same clip. Thegan obviously had no clip plenty to roll up the necessary informations. every bit far as his purpose to compose a history appeared. in all likeliness. merely after the Louis’ Restoration and his enthronement in 835 a. d. As far as the events of 833 a. d. are the cardinal construct of the history. we can come to conclusion that these events gave a strong drift to creative activity of Life of Louis the Pious. We can besides hold with Tramp’s sentiment that the failure on the celebrated Field of Lies had great impact on Thegan and drove him onto the province of a serious contemplation ; nevertheless. Thegan started composing his history already being cognizant of the fact that his hero managed to happen a manner out. What is at issue is the dependability of Thegan’s beginnings. Thegan is non a historiographer. He writes no history of another reign or events during the reign of another male monarch. conscientiously roll uping dependable informations. He writes no life that implies the action of the chief hero in difficult and fast regulations or in a purely defined information field. The German Catholic archpriest presents his highly personal reading of events. formulates a certain construct that has about no resemblance to the world. Probably. due to this fact Thegan uses no official annals or records ; Thegan’s reading of the major portion of historical events is more extended and elaborate. Already in the first chapter the writer references legion histories of events and narratives told by the ascendants and male parents. his history was based on. Who were these voluntary or nonvoluntary sources? The nature of them can merely be inferred. since it has non been told straight. Probably. the information beginnings were his close friends. or the people. he communicated with ( for illustration. the archimandrite Adalung. abbot Markward. etc ) . However. Thegan’s disregard of written texts is apparent due to the deficiency of analogues in bing literary and historical plants of his times. Some research workers consider that Thegan drew information for his 19th chapter from Einhard’s Vita Karoli. Yet. although we can catch a similitude between these two plants. it is besides barely likely to happen. The opportunities are better than even that both Einhard and Thegan drew information from one beginning – stereotyped positions about the male monarch. his visual aspect. and physical. moral and rational virtuousnesss. However. even in instance Thegan borrowed some information from Einhard. he modified it significantly. Originally Thegan wrote a uninterrupted text with no chapters ( Lafort 1281 ) . The chapters appeared in IX. when Strab decided to split the text into chapters in order to do the reading easier. In his preface Strab noted that the work was written in the mode of annals ( hoc opusculum in morem annalium ) . However. its construction seems to be more complex. First of all. the construction of annals implies maximal grading of the author’s personality. Annalss imply instead the choice of facts and the alliance of speech patterns. than the judgements and sentiments. all the more emotional and gauging. Annalss. which contain numbering of events worthwhile adverting about. can be called an endless procedure. Thegan’s Life of Louis the Pious is. on contrary. the built-in history. Furthermore. the reader can detect a work of writing. Thegan obviously wanted to propose a certain thought. and the mode of history merely corresponded to his undertaking. Louis I is the chief character of Thegan’s Life of Louis the Pious. Louis‘ personality is a portion and package of Louis’ actions ; his personality reveals itself through his actions and workss. Furthermore. the really scruples of a mediaeval individual was unable to grok nether personality. nor history with no actions and workss. So. the first and the 2nd chapters present genealogical trees of Louis’ parents. the emperor Charlemagne and his 2nd married woman Hildegard. correspondingly. The 3rd chapter contains contemplations about a moral high quality of the younger boies. It is the of import component for Thegan’s subsequent conceptual decisions. Further the writer describes Louis’ matrimony. the birth of his kids and the decease of his brothers ( chapters 4 and 5 ) . The 6th chapter contains a elaborate description of Louis’ enthronement and his father’s subsequent disease followed by decease. The events are up to 835 a. vitamin D. Probably. merely to make full the infinite. Thegan places a figure of axioms. exhortation. warnings and concluding cementing the facts and doing the history the comprehensive whole. The 19th chapter contains the elaborate features of physical and moral qualities of Louis’ character. Chapters 20 and 50 present an acute polemical onslaught on the assignment of people belonging to take down categories at the taking places both in layman and ecclesiastical hierarchies. It seems. Thegan tries to show the dangers of such pattern. every bit good as its damaging effects for the land and full thickly settled christianus. Thegan entreaties to Louis and asks him to decline from this malicious pattern. and. even reason his address with the word â€Å"Amen†. Chapter 44 is organically next to the old chapters. every bit far as it tells the reader non so much about the test. as a heavy rebuke to His Grace the Archbishop Ebo of Rheims and Willeric. Thegan explains Ebo’s treachery and moral oversight by his Servile beginning. Finally. Thegan uses an undistinguished event ( the father’s effort to do peace with Lothar ) as a perfect chance to discourse the necessity to handle parents with regard and differentiation. We can come to an interesting decision – the elaborate and extended history of events every bit good as history of Louis’ life is non an terminal in itself. Thegan seems to be interested non in the historical facts on their ain history. but in the capacity of the manner to uncover and analyze a certain thought. Yet. it is of import to acknowledge that the topographic points from his history. where the facts are confirmed by other historic beginnings. Thegan is highly accurate. In Louis’ portraiture Thegan reflected some prevailing point of views of his times. For illustration. he mentions that when Louis became a male monarch. he shared between the priests and the poorest ( Thegan places them in one semantic line ) . aliens. widows and orphans all his father’s heritage ( â€Å"Deinde sacerdotes honorare ut patres. populum diligere ut filios. superbos et nequissimos homines in viam salutis coactos dirigere. coenobiorum consolator fuisset et pauperum pater†( Thegani. Chapter 6 ) ) ; Louis takes attention of the Holy Church. corrects all errors. shouting maltreatment and opprobrious Acts of the Apostless made by the unfair functionaries. counts and trustees in relation to â€Å"pauperers†( ) ( e. g. to all those people who are unable to protect themselves ) . To set it otherwise. Louis embodies the ideal of the governor. Louis comes up to take the topographic point of the king-worrier ( Charlemagne ) in the capacity of the king- conciliator. â€Å"rex pacificus†. He makes wholly different determinations and attempts non to suppress but to retain the things already achieved. In Thegan’s reading the emperor tries to maintain the permanent peace. He reveals the secret plans of his enemies and Acts of the Apostless as an supreme authority in struggle between the pope and Romans. He proclaims the ideals of Christianity. Surely. he wages wars. nevertheless. these wars go together with the thoughts of peace. every bit far as Louis wages wars against the heathens and Satan’s retainers ; the wars have non so much pragmatic ( the conquering of new districts ) as sanctum. and hence a merely character. because they. above all. are conductive to the spread of Christianity. Thegan’s history of events is by no agencies accurate. He doesn’t delve into every item ; nevertheless. it is really of import to understand that for Thegan. the elaborate history of events is non an terminal in itself. He portrays an ideal male monarch. who strives for peace and defends the Holy Church and pauperers as a keeper of a secular blade – both in legal. administrative and military significance. in the finest sense of the word. Plants Cited Thegan.Gesta Hludowici imperatoris. MGH SS rer. Germ. in u. s. 64: Hanover. 1995 Lafort. Remy.The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 1912.
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